In the ever-changing world of recruitment, understanding the nuances in interactions across different generations is key. From Baby Boomers to Generation Z, each brings their own connection style. Let's break down some smart communication tricks backed by solid research to level up our recruitment game.

The Generational Harmony: Building Connections

Baby Boomers (1946-1964)

Baby Boomers, born in the post-World War II era, are all about personal connections and traditional communication. They prefer phone calls and face-to-face interactions, valuing loyalty and relationship-building. Respect and tradition are fundamental to them. Research shows they respond positively to personalized approaches, appreciating the human touch in recruitment efforts.

Preferred method: Calls

Generation X (1965-1980)

Generation X, often seen as the bridge between analog and digital eras, values a mix of efficiency and personalization. They find email communication and one-on-one meetings effective. They appreciate shared responsibility and seek partners, helpers, and support from the people around them. Striking a balance between digital convenience and a personal touch is crucial when engaging with Generation X.

Preferred method: Calls, emails

Millennials (1981-1996)

Millennials, the first generation to grow up with technology, prefer digital communication channels. Texting, social media, and email are effective ways to capture their attention. Millennials enjoy expressing themselves and having their opinions considered. Effective recruitment campaigns for them involve tech-savvy elements like interactive online platforms and social media engagement.

Preferred method: Text, less - emails

Generation Z (1997-Present)

The newest faces in the workforce, Generation Z, are true digital natives. They rely on texting and instant messaging for communication. They appreciate direct and fun conversations but have short attention spans. To engage with Gen Z effectively, recruiters should use visually appealing and concise messages. Also, incorporating video content and gamification in recruitment processes aligns well with their tech-centric preferences.

Preferred method: Text, in-app communication

What do numbers say? 

Baby Boomers mostly find text messages annoying. They believe that texting and surfing the web during work is inappropriate. 88% of them say that's a major workplace taboo, making a choice in favor of phone calls.

As the first generation in history to grow up with personal computers, Gen X still loves a good email, unlike their millennial counterparts. Email and 1:1 phone calls are their go-to methods for connection, with preference rates of over 50% for both.

Millennials strongly favor the lack of intrusion that SMS communication provides. In a hypothetical scenario, if given the choice between a texting-only and voice-only phone, 75% of millennials would opt for text-only.

Gen Z hates phone calls – 60% of them claim they dread making calls for simple tasks. They prefer using an app or SMS-based platform to take care of it. 


At Soter, we understand the challenges HR professionals face in finding the right talent. That's why our recruitment approach is all about simplicity and effectiveness.

In today's communication clutter, where emails often get lost in spam folders, and unknown calls are a dime a dozen, we recommend starting conversations with potential candidates through a straightforward text. It's a quick and direct way to cut through the noise and initiate meaningful interactions.

To add a personal touch, we suggest following up with phone calls. And for an even warmer connection, consider leaving a voice message – it's a genuine way to express interest in the job opening, not just another random message.

At Soter, we recognize the importance of aligning our strategies with the preferences of each generation. Our recruitment services are designed to engage candidates effectively, drawing insights from research, experience, and public data. We understand that success in hiring means staying adaptable to changing communication styles.

Ready to see how Soter can help you streamline your recruitment process? Request a demo today to learn more about our innovative solutions. Let's work together to find the right talent for your team.